
Take away from "Lessons from My First Two Years of AI Research"

Just read an interesting post at  Lessons from My First Two Years of AI Research . Some takeaways: - First advice: write - Invest in visualization. - There are 3 perspectives on AI motivations: math, engineering and bio. - 3 ways to get research ideas: Talk to a researcher in a different field. Code a simple baseline to get a feel for a problem. Extend the experiments section of a paper you like. My personal lesson: I do not need to think about a problem all the time but I need to avoid all distractions.

cross compile git for arm/Android

Checkout git source code using some release tag from Compilation steps (copy/paste to bash shell) export API_LEVEL=android-23  # Android 6.0 export COMPILER_ARCH=arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 export ANDROID_NDK=/home/usrname/adr/ndk # or your Android NDK root directory export CC=${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/$COMPILER_ARCH/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc export CCOPT="-O2 -fpic --sysroot=/home/usrname/adr/ndk/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID -pie" export CFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" export LDFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -fPIC -mandroid -L${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm/usr/lib -pie" # add -pie (position independent executable) for running on multiple phones cd git-v2.9.3/  # enter git source code directory or checkout v2.9.3 autoconf # generate configure Wor...

Cross-compile dropbear/dbclient ssh for arm/Android

Get the latest source code at Settings compilers export API_LEVEL=android-23  # Android 6.0 export COMPILER_ARCH=arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 export ANDROID_NDK=/home/usrname/adr/ndk # or your Android NDK root directory export CC=${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/$COMPILER_ARCH/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc export CCOPT="-O2 -fpic --sysroot=/home/ducalpha/adr/ndk/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID -pie" export CFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" export LDFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm -fPIC -mandroid -L${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/$API_LEVEL/arch-arm/usr/lib -pie" # add -pie (position independent executable) for running on multiple phones Configure and make cd dropbear-2016.73/  # enter source code directory ./configure --host=arm-linux  --disable-utmp --disable-wtmp --di...

Cross compile libpcap for Android/arm

Compile libpcap 1.5.2 export ANDROID_NDK=/home/ducalpha/android/ndk # or your Android NDK root directory export CC=${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc export CCOPT="-O2 -fpic --sysroot=/home/ducalpha/adr/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" export CFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-14/arch-arm -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" export LDFLAGS="--sysroot=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-14/arch-arm -fPIC -mandroid -L${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib" ./configure --host=arm-linux --with-pcap=linux --prefix=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr make make install Compile libpcap 1.4.0 Reason for my failure: libpcap 1.4.0 has a "wrong" configure script and creates "wrong" config.h so we need to fix them 1.  configure  script: remove all #define in  configure      why? this will make androi...